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The photographs of San Antonio and Dignowity Hill used within this blog are the property of Juan A Garcia East Light Images. All rights are reserved to the owner. Copy and use of these pictures is forbidden without written permission. Contact Juan at for permission.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Back in November I wrote about the sad state of disrepair of one of our grand old houses in the neighborhood. The house, which was built in 1885 and is located on the corner of N Olive and Nolan, had been literally falling apart for several years.
Well, finally some progress! A couple weeks ago clean up and repair of the house was started. There is larger dumpster in the backyard that is being fill and the damaged second story balcony on the house has been taken down. A crew of workers has been busy on making the structure safer and hopefully, the work will lead to a full restoration of the house.
How do you eat elephant? Answer: one bite at a time. How do you revitalize a neighborhood? Answer: one house at a time.

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